Apprentices plant trees

| by Frauke Barnofsky

For 46 FRÄNKISCHE Group apprentices and their training supervisors, the start of the new working week was no ordinary one: reforestation was on the agenda in spring-like temperatures. They planted a total of 1,250 trees in the Altershäuser forest.

Apprentices support reforestation project

From fencing the area to planting and marking the plants - the apprentices took care of the entire process. They were supported by forester Patrick Valtenmeier and employees from the Eltmann forestry office, the town of Königsberg and a regional forestry company, who had a few tips and tricks up their sleeves. Two beetle areas were reforested, including in the so-called “Kessel” of the Königsberg forest. The aim is for the forest to recover in this area with cherry, service tree, sycamore, alder, Douglas fir and coastal fir. A total of 1,250 trees were planted and 600 meters of fencing were built. A sign, specially made by the FRÄNKISCHE technical apprentices, commemorates the tree planting campaign.

Good for the team and the environment

“Planting trees together not only promotes team spirit among the apprentices, but also stands for sustainability and social responsibility and thus for values that are particularly close to our hearts at the FRÄNKISCHE Group. It's great to see that our apprentices are also supporting us with their full commitment,” says Owner & CEO Julius Kirchner, who is delighted with the successful campaign.

Frauke Barnofsky
Vice-President Group Communications & Identity